Homei-Am Care
<span>i</span>-Am Care

We at AmMetLife Takaful are passionate in providing the best solution in your time of need.

i-Am Care, a Shariah-compliant family takaful plan, ensures that your medical bills are well taken care of in the event that you are hospitalized or required surgical.
i-Am Care comes with the following features:
  • Simplified underwriting and no medical underwriting.       

  • No lifetime limit.

  • No co-payment if room and board does not exceed the plan!

Entry Age
Participant: 18 to 50 years old (next birthday)
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This plan provides the following benefits:
Plan Type Plan 200
In-patient Benefits
Room & Board
(max. of one hundred fifty (150) days)
RM 200
Intensive Care Unit
(max. of seventy five (75) days)
RM 300
Hospital Miscellaneous Services *As charged
Operating Theatre Fees
Surgical Benefit
Anaesthetist's Fees
Pre & Post Benefits
Pre-hospital Diagnostic Services
(within sixty (60) days prior to admission or surgery)
*As charged
Pre-hospital Specialist Consultation
(within sixty (60) days prior to admission or surgery)
Post Hospital Follow-up
(within sixty (60) days from discharge date)
Second Surgical Opinion
(within sixty (60) days prior to surgery)
In-hospital Physician Visit
(max. two (2) visit per day/ one hundred fifty (150) days)
Out-patient Benefits
Emergency Treatment for Accidental Injuries inclusive of Dental injury
(within twenty four (24) hours & thirty one (31) days for follow-up)
RM 2,000
Out-patient Physiotherapy
(with written referral within ninety (90) days from date of being discharged from hospital/ surgery)
*As charged
Day care procedure
(inclusive of all incidental services & supplies)
Ambulance Fees
Medical Record Fees RM 80
Medical Catastrophe Benefits
Outpatient Cancer Treatment
(max. per annum)
RM 40,000
Outpatient Kidney Dialysis
(max. per annum)
RM 40,000
Organ Transplant
(once per lifetime)
RM 75,000
Miscellaneous Benefits
Applicable Consumption Tax *As charged
Overall Annual Limit RM 100,000
Lifetime Limit No lifetime limit

*As charged refers to actual charges incurred for reasonable, necessary and customary medical care provided in the treatment of a covered Disability.

Like to travel? Have wonderful voyages and be covered twenty four (24) hours worldwide with our i-Am Care.

Your health is our priority. Whether you’re residing or traveling outside Malaysia for less than ninety (90) consecutive days, AmMetLife Takaful will cover the medical treatment cost.

Why compromise? If there is a need for medical treatment outside of Malaysia, AmMetLife Takaful will cover the treatment, subject to the following:
  1. All benefits will be payable if you are traveling abroad for a reason other than medical treatment and need to be confined to a hospital outside of Malaysia as a consequence of a medical emergency.
  2. All benefits will be payable if you have to be transferred to a hospital outside of Malaysia due to the specialised nature of the treatment, aid, information, or decisions required can neither be rendered nor taken in Malaysia upon recommendation of a physician.
  3. All benefits will be payable based on the official exchange rate ruling on the claims approval date.
  4. All benefits will exclude the cost of transportation to the place of treatment.
  5. All benefits will exclude overseas treatment of a sickness, disease, or injury, which is diagnosed in Malaysia and non-emergency or chronic conditions where treatment can reasonably be postponed until return to Malaysia.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Complete terms and conditions are stated in the Takaful Certificate.


How Can I Apply

Getting started

Just follow these simple steps to be one step closer to get this plan!

Step 1
Choose the plan that meet your coverage need. You may get some estimation of the protection amount from our Financial Calculator.

Step 2
Find out how much you have to contribute in the Product Disclosure Sheet.

Step 3 
Download and print the following documents to get started:
Step 4 
Then, complete the form and submit your application to:
AmMetLife Takaful Berhad
Level 23, Menara 1 Sentrum,
No. 201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan,
50470 Kuala Lumpur.


Visit our nearest AmMetLife Service Branches to complete your application.

Step 5 
We will call you to inform that your application have been accepted. You may pay your contribution via online banking or JomPay according to the instruction given.

Useful Documents

Bahasa Melayu
(PDF - 492 KB)

(PDF - 491 KB)

Bahasa Melayu
(PDF - 762 KB)

(PDF - 712 KB)


This is a pure protection medical and health takaful plan that caters for your medical needs. It pays your medical, hospitalisation and surgical expenses.

There is only 1 plan available under i-Am Care, which is based on RM200 Room & Board.

You may refer to the Schedule of Benefits for all the benefit payable under this plan.

Individual who is aged 18 to 50 years old may participate in the plan. Age is defined as age next birthday.

You will be covered up to 55 years old. This plan is guaranteed yearly renewal so long you pay the annual contribution within grace period.

Your annual contribution will depends on your attained age (next birthday), gender and occupation class. The annual contribution will increase according to your attained age (next birthday) at certificate anniversary. Please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet for the amount of contributions that you have to pay.

You are required to pay the annual contribution throughout the certificate term.

The details of the charges or fees are as follows:

  • Wakalah Fee: RM60 fixed wakalah plus 30% of contribution after nett of fixed wakalah.
  • Tabarru: Tabarru’ amount is the contribution amount less Wakalah Fee. The tabarru’ amount will be allocated into Participants' Risk Fund (PRF).

You only need to answer our health questionnaires without undergo any medical examination.

Your coverage will take effect upon the successful application and payment of the first contribution. There is no waiting period for any claims related to accidents. For medical conditions not relating to accidents, an initial 30 days waiting period from the effective date of the plan coverage will apply. For specific illnesses, such as Hypertension, Cancers etc., the waiting period is 120 days.

This plan does not charge any co-takaful if you stay at your eligible room and board. However, if you stay at a higher room and board than your entitlement, you will need to bear the excess of room & board rate plus 20% of the other eligible benefits or expenses.

  1. Wakalah

This plan applies wakalah (agency) concept, where all certificate holders appoint AmMetLife Takaful Berhad (AmMetLife Takaful) to act on behalf of them to invest and manage the Participant Risk Fund (PRF). AmMetLife Takaful is entitled to a wakalah fee for managing and investing the funds.

  1. Tabarru’ 

This plan applies tabarru’ concept, where all certificate holders agree to donate a specified portion from the contribution paid into the PRF for the purpose of mutual aid and assistance to all participants in times of misfortune.

  1. Qardh

An interest-free loan from AmMetLife Takaful in the event that the PRF is in deficit. The loan will be paid from the future surplus arising from the PRF.

Participants Risk Fund:
PRF is made up of the tabarru’ which is a portion of your contributions, to assist you and the fellow participants in need, through the benefits they are entitled to i.e. we will pay your eligible benefits from this fund.

Should there is any surplus arising from the PRF, it will be allocated back into the PRF.

Please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet which is available to be downloaded in the website for information on the exclusions applicable to the benefit under this plan.

You should contact our service provider, CompuMed at 03-2089 3818 or email to cpmd_callcentre@compumed.com.my who will assist you for the issuance of guarantee letter for cashless hospital admission at our panel hospital provided that the illness/accident is covered under this plan.

This plan will only start 30 days from the commencement date for illness other than specified illnesses. For specified illnesses, the waiting period is 120 days. This waiting period is not applicable for accidental causes.

Specific Illnesses means the following disabilities and its related complications, occurring within the first 120 days from the cover date:
  1. Hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease;
  2. All tumours, cancers, cysts, nodules, polyps, stones of the urinary system and biliary system;
  3. All ear, nose (including sinuses) and throat conditions;
  4. All benefits will exclude the cost of transportation to the place of treatment.
  5. Hernias, haemorrhoids, fistulae, hydrocele, varicocele;
  6. Endometriosis including disease of the female reproduction system;
  7. Vertebro-spinal disorders (including disc) and knee conditions.
This shall not be applicable after the first year of cover.

Yes, you will be covered under this plan if you travel or reside outside Malaysia for not more than 90 consecutive days.

If you seek treatment outside Malaysia, benefits shall be covered subject to the exclusions, limitations and conditions specified in the certificate and all benefits will be payable based on the official exchange rate ruling on the claims approval date and shall exclude the cost of transport to the place of treatment provided that;
  1. You are traveling abroad for a reason other than for medical treatment, needs to be confined to a hospital outside of Malaysia as a consequence of a medical emergency; or
  2. You, upon recommendation of a physician and has to be transferred to a Hospital outside of Malaysia due to the specialized nature of the treatment, aid, information or decision required can neither be rendered nor furnished nor taken in Malaysia.
Overseas treatment of a sickness, disease or injury which is diagnosed in Malaysia and non-emergency or chronic conditions where treatment can reasonably be postponed until return to Malaysia are excluded.

Reasonable and customary charges means medically necessary charges for medical care which is considered reasonable. We will adjust any hospital charges which in opinion of our medical officer is considered as excessive. Such charges should not exceed the general level of charges being made by the hospital of similar standing in the same locality where the charges are incurred, taking into consideration similar or comparable treatment, services or supplies to individual of the same sex and of comparable age for a similar illness, sickness, disease or Injury and in accordance with accepted medical standards and practice which could not have been omitted without adversely affecting the your medical condition.

You can refer to the list of panel hospitals administered under CompuMed.

You may be admitted into a non-panel hospital. Payment will be on reimbursement basis and you are required to submit the completed claim form together with the relevant supporting documents to us. The Hospital and Surgical claim form can be obtained from our corporate website.

Please click here for the claims guide.

Occupation class refers to your nature of work. Certain occupations have a higher risk of death, disablement, illness or injuries. Therefore, it is an important risk factors to be considered when assessing your application. Your occupational class may affect the contribution that you need to pay for this product.

The information, statement and/or descriptions contained herein are strictly meant to be general information for quick reference and illustration purposes only and are not intended to be the complete description of all terms and conditions applicable to any products mentioned herein. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet (PDS) for more information.

For further clarification and information, you may contact our Customer Care Centre at 1300 22 9777