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ProtectSecure-<span>i</span> <span>Murni</span>
We understand that it is the aspiration of every Muslim to perform Hajj or Umrah at least once in their lifetime. As you prepare for this spiritual obligation, it is not only important to invest for the holy pilgrimage but also to have your family and yourself protected from the unfortunate event.
  • Protection against death or Total and Permanent Disability (“TPD”)

  • Additional protection if death or TPD occurs during Hajj or Umrah

  • Waqaf Benefit payable to waqaf organization approved by our Shariah Committee

  • Badal Hajj Benefit upon death or TPD payable to nominee to appoint wakeel to perform Hajj on your behalf

  • Funeral Benefit upon death

  • Special Allowance at the end of 3rd certificate year for your Hajj or Umrah aspiration.

  • Flexibility to perform partial withdrawal after 5 years.

Entry Age
Participant : 30 days to 60 years old
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Death or Total and Permanent Disability (“TPD”)

100% of Basic Sum Covered from the Participants’ Risk Fund (“PRF”) plus Participant’s Investment Fund (“PIF”) value will be payable in the event of death or TPD.

Double Indemnity of Death or TPD while performing Hajj or Umrah

Additional 100% Basic Sum Covered will be payable from the PRF if death or TPD occurs while performing Hajj or Umrah.

Waqaf Benefit

We will donate RM1,000 from PRF on your behalf to waqaf organization approved by our Shariah Committee, in the event of your death or TPD.

Badal Hajj Benefit

We will pay RM3,000 from the PRF to your nominee for him/her to appoint wakeel to perform Badal Hajj, in the event of your death or TPD.

Funeral Benefit

Your nominee will receive RM5,000 as Funeral Benefit in one lump sum from the PRF.

Useful Documents

(PDF - 9390 KB)


  1. Wakalah

This plan applies the wakalah (agency) concept, where all Certificate Holders appoint AmMetLife Takaful as a wakeel (agent) to act on their behalf to invest and manage the Participant Investment Fund(“PIF”) and Participants Risk Fund (“PRF”). AmMetLife Takaful is entitled to a wakalah fee for managing and investing the funds.

  1. Tabarru’ 

This is the net of contribution after the deduction of the wakalah fee and will be allocated into the PIF. The tabarru’ amount is deducted monthly from your PIF and allocated into the PRF. The tabarru’ amount increases as you grow older.

  1. Qardh

This is an interest-free loan from AmMetLife Takaful in the event that the PRF is in deficit. The loan will be paid from the future surplus arising from the PRF.

  1. Hajj

Visiting Baitullah Al Haram (the Holy Kaabah) in Mecca in the months of Hajj pilgrimage to perform the specific rites according to the terms and conditions.

  1. Umrah

Visiting Baitullah Al Haram (the Holy Kaabah) in Mecca at any time to perform the specific rites according to the terms and conditions.

  1. Badal Hajj

Performing Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) on behalf of those who is unable to perform Hajj due to certain barriers such as sickness, death, old before fulfilling the Hajj obligation.

  1. Waqaf

A voluntary, permanent, irrevocable dedication of a person’s wealth or a portion of it for religious, educational or charitable cause.

  1. Wakalah Fee – A percentage of the contribution will be charged to cover for management expenses and direct commissions, as follows:

Contribution Year  Wakalah Fee (%)














  1. Tabarru’ - Monthly tabarru’ (donations) deducted from the PIF depending on your age, gender and sum covered.
  1. Surrender fee of  RM100 or 10% of PIF value, whichever is lower, will be charged upon surrender of the certificate.


In the event of the participant’s death/TPD prior to attaining the age of four years, the sum covered payable under the certificate shall be as follows:
Age at death % of Sum Covered Payable




4 and above100%

Partial withdrawal from PIF is allowed from the 5th certificate year, subject to RM1,000 minimum withdrawal amount and RM2,000 minimum remaining PIF after such withdrawal.

Pre-existing illness and conditions means any medical conditions, which have been diagnosed or have required medical treatment prior to the commencement date of this takaful coverage, regardless of whether treatment was actually received.

The information, statement and/or descriptions contained herein are strictly meant to be general information for quick reference and illustration purposes only and are not intended to be the complete description of all terms and conditions applicable to any products mentioned herein. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet (PDS) for more information.

For further clarification and information, you may contact our Customer Care Centre at 1300 22 9777
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