Homei-Am Shield
<span>i</span>-Am Shield

We at AmMetLife Takaful are passionate in providing the best solution in your time of need.

i-Am Shield, a Shariah-compliant family takaful plan, takaful protection that safeguard you or your family financial in the event that you are diagnosed with one of 36 critical illnesses. i-Am Shield comes with the following features:
  • Pure protection against critical illness.       

  • Simplified underwriting and no medical underwriting.

Entry Age
Participant: 18 to 50 years old (next birthday)
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In the event that you are diagnosed with critical illness* when the certificate is in force, the sum covered is payable. The certificate will terminate upon successful claim payment.

*The covered critical illnesses are as follows:

1. Alzheimer’s Disease 19. HIV due to Blood Transfusion
2. Bacterial Meningitis 20. Loss of Independence Existence
3. Benign Brain Tumor 21. Loss of Speech
4. Blindness/Total Loss of Sight 22. Major Burns
5. Brain Surgery 23. Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplant
6. Cancer 24. Major Head Trauma
7. Chronic Aplastic Anemia 25. Medullary Cystic Disease
8. Coma 26. Motor Neuron Disease
9. Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery 27. Multiple Sclerosis
10. Deafness/Total Loss of Hearing 28. Muscular Dystrophy
11. Encephalitis 29. Other Serious Coronary Artery Disease
12. End Stage Kidney Failure 30. Paralysis/Paraplegia
13. End Stage Liver Disease 31. Parkinson's Disease
14. End Stage Lung Disease 32. Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
15. Full Blown Aids 33. Stroke
16. Fulminant Viral Hepatitis 34. Surgery to Aorta
17. Heart Attack 35. Systemic Lupus Erythematous with Lupus Nephritis
18. Heart Valve Surgery 36. Terminal Illness

For full definitions of critical illnesses, please refer here



How Can I Apply

Getting started

Just follow these simple steps to be one step closer to get this plan!

Step 1
Choose the plan that meet your coverage need. You may get some estimation of the protection amount from our Financial Calculator.

Step 2
Find out how much you have to contribute. Please refer to the annual contribution in the Product Disclosure Sheet.

Step 3
Download and print the following documents to get started:
Step 4
Then, complete the forms and submit your application to:
Level 23, Menara 1 Sentrum,
No. 201, Jalan Tun Sambanthan,
50470 Kuala Lumpur.


Visit our nearest AmMetLife Service Branches to complete your application.

Step 5
Once you have been informed that your application has been accepted by us, you may pay your contribution via AmOnline or JomPay according to the instruction given.

Useful Documents

Bahasa Melayu
(PDF - 514 KB)

Bahasa Melayu
(PDF - 571 KB)

(PDF - 520 KB)


This is a pure protection critical illness takaful plan that gives you and your family financial protection in case misfortune happen to you. It provides coverage in the event that you are diagnosed with any one of 36 critical illnesses.

The sum covered depending on the plan that you choose as per following schedule:
  Plan 1 Plan 2
Sum Covered RM50,000 RM100,000


  1. The sum covered is payable from Participants Risk Fund
  2. Any claims payable for critical illness will terminate your certificate

You can choose from 2 coverage plans available depending on your affordability and future financial needs of your family. You may use our Financial Calculator to estimate the protection amount that you need.

You will receive Critical Illness Benefit which you are entitled to receive the sum covered upon occurrence of critical illness.

In the event that you are diagnosed with one of 36 covered critical illnesses, we will pay the sum covered based on your chosen plan. For example, you participate in Plan 1 and if you are diagnosed with heart attack (or any other covered critical illness) during the coverage period, we will pay RM50,000 to you. Upon successful claim payment, your certificate will be terminated.

Individual who is aged 18 to 50 years old may participate in this plan. Age is defined as age next birthday.

You will be covered up to 55 years old. This plan is guaranteed yearly renewal so long you pay the annual contribution within grace period.

Your annual contribution will depends on your attained age (next birthday), gender and plan that you choose. The contribution will increase according to your attained age (next birthday) at certificate anniversary. Please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet for the amount of contributions that you have to pay.

You are required to pay the annual contribution throughout the certificate term.

The details of the charges or fees are as follows:

  • Wakalah Fee: RM60 fixed wakalah plus 40% of contribution after nett of fixed wakalah.   
  • Tabarru: Tabarru’ amount is the contribution amount less Wakalah Fee. The tabarru’ amount will be allocated into Participants' Risk Fund (PRF).

You only need to answer our health questionnaires without undergo any medical examination.

For specified illnesses (i.e heart attack, cancer, coronary artery by-pass surgery and other serious coronary artery disease) the coverage will only start 60 days from the commencement date. Whereas, critical illnesses other than specified illnesses shall commence 30 days from the commencement date.

  1. Wakalah

This plan applies wakalah (agency) concept, where all certificate holders appoint AmMetLife Takaful Berhad (AmMetLife Takaful) to act on behalf of them to invest and manage the Participant Risk Fund (PRF). AmMetLife Takaful is entitled to a wakalah fee for managing and investing the funds.

  1. Tabarru’ 

This plan applies tabarru’ concept, where all certificate holders agree to donate a specified portion from the contribution paid into the PRF for the purpose of mutual aid and assistance to all participants in times of misfortune.

  1. Qardh

An interest-free loan from AmMetLife Takaful in the event that the PRF is in deficit. The loan will be paid from the future surplus arising from the PRF.

Participants Risk Fund: PRF is made up of the tabarru’ which is a portion of your contributions, to assist you and the fellow participants in need, through the benefits they are entitled to i.e. we will pay your critical illness benefit from this fund.

Should there is any surplus arising from the PRF, it will be allocated back into the PRF.

Please refer to Product Disclosure Sheet which is available to be downloaded in the website for information on the exclusions applicable to the benefit under this plan.

Normally, it takes up to 14 working days from the date when the full documents are received.

In the event of critical illness, we will pay the benefits to you directly.

Any claims payout will be made to you or your nominees via e-payment within 3 to 5 working days upon approval of the claim.

Please refer to Critical Illness Claim in the Claims Process here.

The information, statement and/or descriptions contained herein are strictly meant to be general information for quick reference and illustration purposes only and are not intended to be the complete description of all terms and conditions applicable to any products mentioned herein. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet (PDS) for more information.

For further clarification and information, you may contact our Customer Care Centre at 1300 22 9777