HomeSavingsGoldenSecure-i Style
GoldenSecure-<span>i</span> Style
Let us inspire you to build a financially secured life for your loved ones. Leave your worry to us while we protect you financially in the event of death, total and permanent disability and critical illness.
  • Death, Total Permanent Disability and Critical Illness covers

  • Flexibility to top-up, switch funds, make partial withdrawal and even surrender

  • Selection of Investment-linked funds to match your needs

  • Enjoy partial withdrawals from the Participant Investment Fund

Entry Age
Participant : 30 days to 60 years old
Certificate Holder : 18 years to 60 years old

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  1. Wakalah Fee

This plan applies the wakalah (agency) concept, where all Certificate Holders appoint AmMetLife Takaful as a wakeel (agent) to act on their behalf to invest and manage the Participant Investment Fund (“PIF”) and Participants Risk Fund (“PRF”). AmMetLife Takaful is entitled to a wakalah fee for managing and investing the funds.

  1. Tabarru’ 

This plan applies the tabarru’ concept, where all Certificate Holders agree to donate a specified portion from the PIF into the PRF for the purpose of mutual aid and assistance to all Certificate Holders in times of misfortune.

  1. Qardh

This is an interest-free loan from AmMetLife Takaful in the event that the PRF is in deficit. The loan will be paid from the future surplus arising from the PRF.

The main difference is that, with a takaful based investment-linked plan, the allocated contribution for investment purposes is invested in Shariah-approved funds. In addition, the plan enables you to benefit from the net surplus (if any) that is available in the PRF by crediting additional unit(s) into the PIF.

AmMetLife Takaful allocates a portion of the contribution to purchase units in the investment-linked fund that you have chosen. Any unallocated amount (wakalah fee) will be used to pay commissions to agents/financial advisers and other expenses of AmMetLife Takaful.


Your takaful certificate will continue to be in force as long as the value of invested units in the PIF is sufficient to be deducted for the basic plan tabarru’ and other charges. In case it is not, the takaful certificate will lapse after 30) days of grace period.

  • The monthly tabarru’ (donations) depend on your age, gender, health and occupation.
  • The monthly service fee is RM5 per month.
  • Surrender fee of RM100 will only be charged upon surrender of the certificate prior to the 4th certificate year.
  • The fund management fee is based on the proportion of equities and fixed income of the unit funds. It is subject to the following range:
    • Minimum charge: 1.00% of NAV per annum
    • Maximum charge: 1.50% of NAV per annum
Note: The imposed fees and charges may change from time to time with a three months’ notice. All charges will be deducted from the units allocated to your certificate.

In the event of the participant’s death/TPD prior to attaining the age of four years, the sum covered payable under the certificate shall be as follows:

   Age at death% of Sum Covered Payable




4 and above  100%

The minimum withdrawal amount is RM1,000 with the minimum unit balance of RM2,000 after partial withdrawal.

Pre-existing illness and conditions means any medical conditions, which have been diagnosed or have required medical treatment prior to the commencement date of this takaful coverage, regardless of whether treatment was actually received.

You can track the unit prices that are published daily in our website.

Once a certificate has a unit balance going to zero for all funds, a grace period of thirty (30) days is given to the Certificate Holder to pay the contribution or top up the certificate. In case the grace period ends, the certificate will lapse. The Certificate Holder is allowed to reinstate the certificate and is subjected to the normal reinstatement rules and procedures applicable at that time.

The information, statement and/or descriptions contained herein are strictly meant to be general information for quick reference and illustration purposes only and are not intended to be the complete description of all terms and conditions applicable to any products mentioned herein. Please refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet (PDS) for more information.

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